Hello, Please use the tabs above to access the Class To Do list and Homework for each grade.
The other tabs bring you to content and links specific for each topic. Items in blue text are links to PDF docs or to websites.
I love teaching science at the middle school level and look forward to a great year with the 7th and 8th graders!
In 7th grade we will be working on Life Science NGSS learning goals. In 8th grade we will be working on Earth and Physical Science NGSS learning goals. All grades will work on Engineering NGSS learning goals.
General Course Information:
All students are required to have a 3 ring binder with at least 3 dividers and a supply of loose leaf paper. Please refer to the course outline in your student's science notebook for questions on topics and grading for science classes.
Students are expected to check Alma every week. Checking Alma will be assigned to students as a homework task, usually on/ near the weekend. We will support student in WIN with the functionality of checking Alma. Parents, please monitor your student's grades via the parent log-in and help your student check their progress and grades through Alma when assigned. Please use the school's webpage to send me a note via e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like to contact me please e-mail thought the school's web page or call the school and leave a message with the office. I look forward to hearing from you!
Please check back often as I will be using these pages to post the daily To Do (classwork) list along with the daily homework. In addition under the other tabs you will find links related to what we are using in class and information related to class projects and other work.